The big blue magical guy from Disney's 1992 animated movie "Aladdin" was voiced by late comedian Robin Williams and will be played by actor Will Smith in the 2019 live action sequel. Genie is everyone's favourite singing, dancing, funny friend. Rub the magic lamp, make three wishes and take a journey with friends Princess Jasmine and Master Aladdin to a far, far away place in your imagination.
Age Group: Kids
Main Colour: Blue
- Satin top with digital print and gold trim at the shoulders plus attached satin belt and feature shaped hem on shirt
- Satin harem pants with elasticated ankles
- Headpiece is a satin fabric turban with attached gold brocade trim on forehead and jewel design
- Genie shoes not included
- This is an officially licensed Disney product
Age Group: Kids
Main Colour: Blue