Political Costumes

3 products

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Politics has embraced our nation more so than ever. With our new range of Political costumes, you can step up your debating game this Halloween and really throw yourself into a debate. If it's British politics that takes you're fancy, then we have all you need to dress up as Boris Johnson, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, & of course Nigel Farage. But we also have some offshore beauties, in Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump inspired outfits. Whatever you're searching for, deliberate or debate over our collection below.

3 products
Victorian Suffragette Costume Kids Grey_1
Victorian Suffragette Costume Kids Grey_2
Victorian Suffragette Cos...
Sale price $42.99 Regular price $55.99
Deluxe Victorian Suffragette Costume Adult Grey Pink_1
Deluxe Victorian Suffragette Costume Adult Grey Pink_2
Deluxe Victorian Suffrage...
Sale price $68.99 Regular price $89.99
Sold Out
Korean Dictator Costume Adult Grey Jumpsuit_1
Korean Dictator Costume Adult Grey Jumpsuit_2
Korean Dictator Costume A...
Sale price $63.99 Regular price $81.99
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