Superman Costume Deluxe Muscle Chest Kids

$67.99 $52.99 Sale Sale

Fly From Planet Krypton Into Your Own Front Room With This Classic Superman Outfit From DC Comics That Comes Complete With Its Famous Small Emblem Over A Gasp- Inspiring Padded Chest. You'll Soon Be Making Your Own Headlines In The Daily Planet!

This costume really is a no-brainer. Suit your little guy up with this Child Deluxe Superman Costume and he can finally live our his tiny superhero dreams. With a padded chest and the signature royal blue and cherry red hues (not to mention the iconic “S” insignia), this classic costume may just strike your little man of steel with such awe that he becomes, at least momentarily, speechless! BONUS: After Halloween is over and done, your fella can carry this costume around with him, just in case he needs to head into a phone booth to make a fast change! You never know when there will be some superhero work for your little one to attend to!


  • Muscle Chest Jumpsuit with Attached Boot Tops
  • Belt
  • Cape

Theme: Superman

Please Refer To Rubies Size Chart: US Sizings

Age Group: Kids

Main Colour: Red

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