Cyberpunk RED: Data Pack (CR3021)

$71.99 $54.99 Sale Sale
  • When you’re stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the lo[1]cals and where they’re lurking. One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you’re the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing the score is even more important. Otherwise, your RED adventure might bog down in a ton of tiny stuff that can make or break a good game.
  • Twelve maps featuring environments every Cyberpunk RED game needs, including combat zone intersections, highway overpasses, badland wastes, and Megacorp helipads.
  • A handy set of encounter tables to bring your Night City to life, including subway strangers, Night City hotspots, badass freelancers, and Midnight Market stalls.
  • A stash of official Cyberpunk RED Character sheets.
  • And a bunch of all new, ready to run Screamsheet adventures that can be used with all the stuff above!
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