Cuba: The Splendid Little War

$115.99 $96.99 Sale Sale
Cuba: The Splendid Little War, 1895-1898 is a two-player simulation of the Cuban War of Independence and the Spanish-American War. One player controls the Spanish forces seeking to crush the rebellion and retain control of Cuba. The other controls the Cuban rebels fighting for independence and the U.S. forces that may intervene. Players must make strategic decisions amidst major events like disease, assassinations, and yellow journalism. Can you use your limited resources to secure victory? When you buy one of our games on our website, in-person at a convention, through your local game store, from your favorite online game store, or from chain stores, you enable us to give more games to kids through Toys for Tots.
  • Two player simulation of the events of the Cuban War of Independence and Spanish-American War
  • Completely remastered wirh historically-inspired artwork
  • Strategically utilize limited resources and troop movements to alter the course of the war and bring about the events discussed in the newly included alternate-history epilogues
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