Arcane Wonders Super Kawaii Pets, Party Card Game, for 1 to 4 Players and Ages 8

$51.99 $39.99 Sale Sale
  • At the start of Super Kawaii Pets, players choose from sad Animal cards in the middle of the table and draw Help and Location cards to plan their moves.
  • On each turn, select two cards from the Animal and Help decks to add to your hand, and play Animal cards to gain valuable benefits.
  • Pay the cost in Help cards to flip your sad Animal cards to their happy sides, preparing them to meet the requirements of a Location card.
  • Claim Location cards by assigning Happy Animals to their new homes, earning Victory Points and potential bonus cards for added strategy.
  • End the game with a combination of 10 Happy Animals and Location cards, tallying up Victory Points to determine the winner in this charming and strategic card game.
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